Thursday, November 21, 2013

My worst nightmare

Four hour work week questions

I’d quit working at England logistics and suddenly my car would be in an accident and would be totaled.  We only have liability and so the car would be a total loss.  We’d have to suddenly get another one with a car loan or pay cash, which both would drastically lower our monthly income and we may not be able to afford even just food for groceries and may drawn down our savings significantly. Permanent impact on a scale from 1-10, 2 as we’d just buy a beater or a cheaper ngv that cost significantly less in gas costs.  Not likely to happen as we’re both pretty cautious drivers.

We’d have to start eating our food storage since my/our business wasn’t making enough money to buy groceries and then the economy would implode and we’d have no food to eat when we really needed it and we would’ve been pissed/scared we didn’t just play it safe and stay at the job. Permanent impact on a scale from 1-10, 3 as we may not eat all our food storage and we could use the bishop’s storehouse to offset some of the costs of food if needed and we could build up our store again with a few months of dedicated savings.  Not likely as we could cut back our costs and could find part time work.

We’d have some major medical issues with London or ourselves and couldn’t afford to pay for anything since the hospital bills were so high since we didn’t have health insurance.  Permanent impact on a scale from 1-10, 4 as we’d have to declare bankruptcy and that’d damage my credit history.  Once done though we could rebuild it and be back to good credit standing in 3-5 years.  Possible to happen, but not likely as we all seem to have a pretty good clear bill of health.

Any business wouldn’t bring in enough income to pay our rent and we’d either be late on it or we’d have to dip into savings again to pay for everything.  Eventually when all these things hit at once we wouldn’t have any money to pay for anything and we’d have to move back home, with mom and dad of course paying for the cost of the move out of their own pocket.  Permanent impact on a scale from 1-10, 3 as we could quickly realize we’re not making enough and are uncomfortable with the drawdown of our savings and so I’d go back to work and so would Ashlee.  May happen and is the most likely thing to happen out of all the things mentioned.

  Outcome/benefits of more probable scenarios of leaving England would be that I could wake up when I wanted with my wife and kids.  I’d be able to always get adequate rest.  I’d be working on things that I wanted to be working on and dealing with people I’d have a lot more control over with who I’d be dealing with.  Ashlee may be able to help me work on the business. I’d be able to build synergy with people/businesses that I’d like to build synergy with.  I’d be more fulfilled since I’d be doing what I wanted and not what my boss or his boss wanted.  I’d be able to work from a logical point of view instead of ignoring reality on many things.  I could institute failure in my business and for my employees.  I’d quickly learn what works in business and what doesn’t, whereas now I only know a bunch of theory.  I’d be able to hire other people and help them get ahead in business.  It is possible that one or more of the businesses I work on would include working with my family and friends, which would be awesome to do.  I’d have more confidence.  I’d be able to prove the haters wrong.

      If I got fired today I’d immediately go through all my business ideas myself and with family and pick which ones would be best.  Then I’d validate them.  I may even ask family to invest a small amount of money into the most promising ideas if they wanted in.  If I had to get back to work as a credit analyst I could do so as I’ve already been offered jobs for just such a situation and I’d probably get hired back on at a company that had much better health insurance anyways and so I’d probably come out ahead anyways.
    I don’t have my fyf.  I don’t know if any of the ideas I have will actually make money as they’re untested or I’m in the wrong season of the year to start them, those that are seasonal being businesses that require manual labor and that I be there.

“What we fear to do the most is the thing we most need to do.”
      Financially I’m not going anywhere fast at England.  They’ve already told me that I’m not getting any more raises beyond that big one I got a year or so ago aside from the yearly increase one I’d be getting going forward.  I didn’t get hired on for the position of credit manager that I’d be perfect for.  They’re not looking to increase my position at that company.  Emotionally I feel like I’m not meeting my potential at that job.  I feel intimidated by people who are no further ahead in what I feel would be progress business wise from coworkers to friends or family.  Emotionally I’m also missing out on spending time with all my family that I’d really like to be spending with them.  We’ll see what happes physically, but I know I could be working out a bit more like I’d like to get into the shape I’d like to and at my current job I don’t have the time I’d like to dedicate to doing just that due to traffic jams, money, and time and location constaints.

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