Friday, May 6, 2016


My back has been out of whack for the last couple months and as a side effect my legs are really tight and uncomfortable this whole time too so I take chances to stretch them out when I can.  One of those chances was as I was leaving the bathroom this morning and I noticed a random sticker on my right shin.  I think it got there when I leaned on our ottoman in the front room leaving my legs on the ground this morning. It was just a funny reminder of me being a dad and having kids now.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How the Rich Think by Steve Siebold Part 9

Money with stress vs equates money with peace of mind
a.            What actions I need to have peace of mind financially:
i.                Buy our forever home
ii.                Buy a new car
iii.                Have a six month buffer

Thinks small vs thinks big
a.            On a scale of 1-7, 7 being biggest, how big do you think?  4.  I don’t feel like I’m just going nuts on providing tons of value to lots of people.

Believes people are out to get them vs believes the universe is conspiring to help them

Believes their thinking is unrelated to their net worth vs knows thinking is the catalyst of all results

Experiences good fortune and can’t believe it vs experiences good fortune and wonders what took so long
a.            “A pint can’t hold a quart. If it holds a pint, it is doing all that can be expected of it.” - Margaret Deland
b.            I loved the above quote because if we condition and expect small things for us then that is all we will get.

The more money you earn the more stress you experience vs the more money you earn the less stress you experience

The more money you make the more problems you will have vs the more money you make the fewer problems you will have

“Don’t knock the rich. When did a poor person give you a job?”

The most popular get rich strategy among the masses is the lottery. Even with odds that virtually guarantee losing, millions flock to purchase tickets every day with hopes of striking it rich without effort. It appears harmless until you dig into this mindset, which reveals the sad truth: most people subconsciously believe this is their only chance to get rich. People travel to Las Vegas for the same reason: the chance to make enough money that they’ll never have to worry about it again. Instead of betting on themselves, they think they have a better chance of hitting the jackpot at a million to one………..totally crazy, but true.

List of 5 things that I can do today/everyday to make me uncomfortable, but that will increase my wealth:
  1. Make a sales call everyday.
  2. Wake up before everybody else.
  3. Come up with ten ideas everyday.
  4. Read something about investing.
  5. Work on processes in my business.

Believes it’s wrong for a small group of people to possess most of the money vs welcomes the masses to join them.

This is so true especially in america when people started protesting the 1% and how much they whine and complain about them.  It’s easier to criticize the wealthy and condemn them as insatiably greedy and heartless than it is to make your own millions.

“Money is neither my god nor my devil. It is a form of energy that tends to make us more of who we already are, whether it’s greedy or loving.”

Believes money creates corruption vs believes a lack of money creates corruption.
Interesting how corruption seems to be less of an obvious issue in 1st world countries versus south american and african countries abound with tales of corruption all over the place from the government down to the police.

Monday, May 2, 2016

How the Rich Think by Steve Siebold Part 8

Money is their enemy vs money is their friend
a.            Money is not materialistic, people are materialistic
b.            The great ones continue to cultivate and nurture their relationship with money by thinking about how to earn more, invest wiser, and leverage as much as possible. The rich do this so well they often acquire much more money than they’ll ever want or need, which is typically when they turn their attention to giving the excess away to charitable organizations. These groups wouldn’t survive without the success and generosity of the wealthy who have adopted money as a close friend.
c.            Do I see money as my friend or something you wish you didn’t have to think about?  This is a super interesting question because I think for myself that I wish I couldn’t/didn’t have to think about money.  I don’t consider it a friend.  A friend is someone who listens to you and helps you and gives you love and affection.  Of course money is an inannimate object and is incapable of actually doing those things in a physical sense, but it can also kinda do those things by buying people lunch, buying them gifts, buying them time with family and friends, helping when help is needed to get certain things done when it isn’t possible to do on one’s own.  It can entertain us and bring things to us.  Certainly money wouldn’t want to come to me if I didn’t treat it like a good friend and it is no wonder that so many people are poor because they do the exact same thing as I do.
d.            Start telling yourself on a daily basis that money is your friend and a positive force in your life, and your mind will go to work to help you acquire more.  Add this to my declaration wall of quotes.  I need to just get out there and make a little bit of side money on my own to get me encouraged to continue doing so.

Waits for their ship to come in vs builds their own ship
a.            The first line of this chapter is….”The average person subconsciously believes he’s going to be discovered, saved, or made rich by an outside force in the future.”, which mirrors almost exactly my sentiment said on number 32, “I almost feel like money is this imaginary thing and that making gobs and gobs of it will have to happen by someone bestowing it upon me or something like someone showing me how to do it step by step.”

Believes financial markets are driven by logic and strategy vs financial markets are driven by emotion and greed
a.            Rich know there is a difference between actual value vs perceived value and they take advantage of this appropriately.
b.            If you are not as wealthy as you like, there is something you don’t know.

Money is about status vs money is about freedom
a.            Instead of wasting your mental energy getting mad, direct it toward getting rich.
b.            A list of freedoms I will gain when I am rich:
i.                Great physical body because I’ll be able to hire a trainer to work out with and buy the best foods possible and classes to teach me how to cook better and tastier foods
ii.                Freedom of the stress of meeting everyday bills like car repairs and clothes for the kids
iii.                Freedom to work on the things I really want to work on
iv.                Freedom from having to worry about the neighborhood and neighbors I live by
v.                Free from having to worry about how to pay for marriages and college of kids

Lives beyond their means vs lives below their means

a.            How much money would you have to earn in a year to live the way you want to?  I’d say net take home of 50-60k would be pretty phenomenal.