Friday, September 21, 2012

Why it is hard to see the truth?

This is something I’ve been thinking about for the last little bit.  I recently watched a documentary/program on PBS, which covered 9/11.  In it they cover many different topics and points as they relate to the twin towers and building 7 that also collapsed and the psychological effects it had on first responders, victims, and victim’s families.  I have different feelings on what happened and why on 9/11 than I think most people I know. 

What was interesting is that the program was chock full of experts, approximately 1500, in many different fields of science such as demolition, fire, architecture, electrical engineering, etc talking about their points of view on 9/11 and the buildings specifically and how what the public was told and what actually was were completely different.

What I REALLY liked about this program is that they then brought in a whole slew of psychologists that had met and counseled with people involved with those involved with the tragedy of 9/11.  They described the Kubler-Ross model, or more commonly referred to as The Five Stages of Grief or Awakening.  If you haven’t studied this model, DO!  What really resonated with me was the explanation they presented on why people don’t want to let go and move on from their denial phase. 

When in denial one is safe and protected from their own lack of knowledge or some would call it ignorance, i.e. “ignorance is bliss”.  Just admitting ignorance is scary and traumatizing.  Doing says to the psyche, if I’m not safe and right and in truth what do I do?  I don’t know what to do or what to do to find the truth and put my life in line with it and that is scary.  In this program these victims had lived in the perception that they were safe and protected from forces without AND within, but after being presented with the evidence provided by independent experts in the program their minds, according to the psychologists at least, revolt and shut down.  In fact, one psychologist likened it to a computer.  When you’re built one way and expect it to work one way, but then are asked to process and handle more or new information then you’re used to or programmed (indoctrinated) to and en masse then the computer shuts down.  The key for these people to break through their trauma (or in our own personal lives trauma or drama) is to take in the information from both sides and decide for themselves what is true.  I like this quote from Buddha that is pertinent to the point I’m making…”Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” 

I’ve heard, been through, and understand that accepting a new truth is traumatic and scary and hence the reluctance to accept it, but it didn’t really connect with me or I couldn’t truly empathize with people who didn’t accept so many of the conspiracies, including this one, that surround us until I saw this program as this program and the tragic event it portrays was also a part of my life and I know how painful it was to see and experience what we did as a country.  I can only imagine the amplification of that emotion if it touched me on an even more personal level through family or friends being lost in it.  How if I had been told one thing for years and years from some source (government, food industry, finance industry, NASA, the US military, your family dentist, etc) that I considered to be impregnable to corruption or deceit or even secret combinations that in fact it was all a lie that my mind would certainly draw back in revulsion at the thought.

Be WRONG.  It is human to be wrong.  Don’t fear.  We all are imperfect and don’t know everything.  Admitting that is hard as we’re taught to not make mistakes ever and to be perfect.  We aren’t wrong or make mistakes because…we’re parents, 4.0 students, graduates from masters programs, actually very righteous and don’t break the commandments, we’re very trusting or we’re very forgiving of others, big time executives, or whatever gives one a sense of self worth or validation.  The list obviously is endless for why we don’t want to hear what we don’t want to hear.  We are not taught to openly and perhaps even proudly admit we’re lost and scared and looking for help cause we don’t know what is actually right and true in aspects of life. 

There are others who have come to that realization deeply and have embraced the unknown and fear of not knowing what to do next and are willing to share what they then learned...more on this later.  THAT is what makes us human.  That is what connects us to others whether they’d like to admit it or not.  I have a little story to tell.  I felt a literal panic when I watched Peter Schiff’s video on the coming housing collapse on after I read the book The Gig Short by Michael Lewis.  He also wrote Money ball, which was later made into a movie with Brad Pitt and he wrote The Blindside, which was later made into a movie with Sandra Bullock.  I was scared and shocked and panicked and literally sweating and my heart was beating on second floor of England logistics in the northwest corner where I was sitting when I saw that someone was living outside of the state of mind I had occupied and openly exposed that fact to the world in regards to housing and finance (me).  He exposed what were then my toxic or damning thoughts on housing and (broadly the world economy) and introduced what was really the truth about housing in this case.  This exposure then led me to question whether or not I might have other toxic thoughts in my life and how to deal with them in a healthy way and without having the near death experience I had seemed to experience with learning what I had from the Peter Schiff/Michael Lewis awakening.

What I have now realized in hindsight is that there seems to be a pattern to truth and truth finding.  Truth resonates.  It is logical.  It is simple to understand.  The hard part about finding and discovering truth is that it is often buried underneath blatantly or otherwise false pretenses or opinions or studies or statistics or money or thinking.  When truth is discovered without pre conceived notions it is easy to see.  I think children best represent this.  They are pure and true and when they see truth it resonates with them.  Unfortunately in our current world society is controlled and manipulated so as to crush that natural truth seeking in all of us and we forget it and our blinded by our lack of it.

The cure for finding truth is honestly seeking to see both sides of a story or equation AND find some one or some people who have already traveled down the path of discover you’re currently on, i.e. find a mentor of some sort.  Question everything.  Who is telling you the information?  Cui bono?  That is what the roman’s said when they learned Julius Cesar was assassinated.  It means, “Who benefits?”  If you’re reading a study done on mice and msg or the 9/11 towers collapsing when no other steel frame building that caught on fire had ever collapsed or whatever you want, why are they presenting you the information?  Why are they presenting you the information they did? 

This is a big question I’ve found useful.  Who paid the people who are telling you the information they’re giving you and what do those people stand to gain by doing so?  Are they telling you something you’ve already heard or perhaps just a slight variation on that that you hadn’t heard before?  If so, they’re likely still gaining at your expense and keeping you blind to the truth and binding you to the molded thinking you’ve been trained to think.  If they’re gaining at your expense, whoever it is, their motives ought to be considered suspect and if they’re found to be true and resonate with you anyways then you can and should move on.  Otherwise, yes there is an otherwise, you WILL be missing out on what you didn’t know you could have known or been or seen.  And you WILL miss out on it whether you knew you were or not.  I can honestly say I am at more peace and calm now that I know the things I know because of the things I have questioned and subsequently found out to be not true. 

Partners or Mentors.  They are an integral part of truth.  I feel that this is another core to truth and finding it.  What has been nice for me is that in my path of discovery I’ve come across people who have already been there and learned what I’ve learned or wanted to learned and have pointed me to truth instead of having to wallow through all the mess of information that is out there, which I’m grateful for of course as I don’t waste tons of time and can likely turn to these people for other information as the thought process then goes, “If they knew this important thing, what else do they know on completely unrelated subjects that I’m not even thinking about that are important to me and my family that I should know about?”  

The most important person in this journey of life is Jesus Christ.  He has been through everything and knows the truth about everything.  He even says for people to come unto him and work with him and he will help you overcome your burdens.  Now I ask.  Is this just a spiritual/repentance principle or could it apply to…government, military, health, NASA, and crazy talkative dentists?  I think honestly it is an eternal principle that people team up with those who are stronger, smarter, and been there people who speak truth.  Without this it is very difficult to wade through all the BS that is out there.  Teaming up and trusting others is key to finding truth, but I must say that just because some of the people I interact with have truth to share, doesn’t mean they share truth 100% of the time.  I won’t even share truth 100% of the time.  I hope people will have the courage to remind me, nicely and patiently of course J, of the fact that I have missed the boat on this or that.  That is the beauty though of this life.  That I can say, “Hey I messed up or made a mistake and realize that and openly admit that and THAT is OK and GOOD.”  If I don’t do that or others don’t do that they aren’t embracing their human nature of, at times, being dead wrong about something and again are to be questioned and deemed suspect as they are, through their actions or thoughts or words and deliberately or not, trying to lead me away from truth and right.

I feel like there are more thoughts I wanted to flush out, but feel I have touched on most of them.  Good luck with assimilating them into your train of thought lol.