Friday, July 12, 2013


So I'm typing this in the Colemak format.
When typewriters were created the little arms that jumped up and hit the paper would get jammed using an efficient layout and so they changed it to be a layout that wouldn't jam as often and that format is what you see under your fingers currently. There are many formats to type in now using algorithms, finger strength, finger dominance, etc. I read a book lately talking about how you can learn and have a decent mastery of something with 20 hours of work and not the oft touted 10,000 hours we're drilled with since Malcolm Gladwell's book, Outliers, pointed out that professional's/experts typically have that much time invested into their craft/skill. Now to be a master, of course, you're gonna want to be waaay closer to 10k hours instead of 20 hours. However if you're like me you want to learn/do many things and you don't have 10k hours of free time just laying around even if you cut out watching tv. So I'm learning Colemak cause I'd heard about this whole typing more efficiently thing a while ago and thought that at one point I might want to give it a shot and it just kinda lined up to work out that I could do it now. Heck I'll be typing for many years to come. Might as well try to avoid carpal tunnel as much as possible. When I started my regular typing speed was 60 words per minute. That is my goal for Colemak. When I switched I did a test and I think I hit 13 words per minute. After 6:47:52.1 time of practicing my last test was about 33 words per minute. I'll keep you posted.... :)

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