Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How the Rich Think by Steve Siebold Part 6

underestimates the wealth building power of referral marketing vs knows referral marketing creates millionaires

focuses on pleasurable activities vs focuses on money making activities
I.e. video games, TV, Movies, Sporting Events vs learning about investing and doing it.

sees money as a finite resource vs sees money as an infinite resource

earns money doing things they don’t like to do vs gets rich doing what they love

believes rich people are ruthless vs believes rich people are generous

lottery mentality vs an action mentality
a.            definitely know that for a time that i’ve relied and hoped on silver blowing up to make me rich. While still an outstanding undervalued asset it doesn't replace action and getting my skills up NOW to make a business go.
b.            On a scale of 1-7, 7 being strongest, how strong is your desire to be rich?  I think today my desire is like a 4 or a 5.

waiting to be rescued from financial mediocrity vs knows no one is coming to the rescue
Again touching on hitting it big with a certain investment vs taking action to get it done without it.

Rich people are smarter vs rich people are more savvy
a.            Ask Richard Gonzalez to be a millionaire mentor for me about money.

Money as controlling vs money as liberating
a.            Interesting how “You have to study business/nursing/tech/etc in college because that is where the money is at” is a subtle, but true way of helping condition people to surrender to money.  I.e. you can’t possibly make money doing anything other than that.  People naturally poo poo certain majors strictly on the post graduation median reported incomes ranked from highest to lowest even though a lot of people love pyschology and music and learning about all subjects (general studies).  They surrender to higher income majors when logic dictates that if one becomes an expert in anything they love doing and figure out a way to provide value and solve problems for people with that thing there isn't any reason why they couldn't make more money than those high median incomes.

Money changes people vs money reveals people

The book explains this as magnifying what somebody already is before/after they get rich. If you're kind you'll be even more kind with money. I think the example he used was Mother Teresa. While personally not wealthy she did have TONS of clout and connections to those that did and with that clout, connection, and money she did so much good.

a.            10 things I like about myself:
i.                I like to go out to eat with my wife.
ii.                I like playing video games.
iii.                I like to read.
iv.                I like to serve the young men in the church.
v.                I like to have people over for dinner.
vi.                I like to go on vacation.
vii.                I like to play sports.
viii.                I like to spend time with my brothers/siblings.
ix.                I like spending time with my kids.

x.                I like to sleep.

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