Monday, March 11, 2013

War, Satan, Mormons, Gentiles

            This last week for my lesson to my deacon’s quorum I talked about video games.  Not these kind of deacons…



But these…



Before I go any further let me warn the reader that this isn’t a happy or short blog post so feel free to move on or delete it.  In fact it is a little unnerving and quite unhappy and these musings are the opinion of the writer and not doctrine backed by the LDS church. 

As I was preparing for upcoming lessons I found a couple articles ( - ) talking about violent video games and their effects and so I wanted to share with my young men what I’m doing with video games (and movies?) or at least am going to try to do.  Originally I was just going to read the two above articles and then share any insights, but then the more I got thinking about it I thought about some scriptures I came across in Sunday School last year that I wanted to share with them as well as an excerpt from another article I read recently.  So I’m going to share all of this in close to the same order I shared it on Sunday and then some and hopefully it all ties in for you.

I shared that Satan works little by little.  He doesn’t start us off with the worst sins/deeds.  This goes for every type of sin I believe, which would include violence and murder and war.  Now what does that have to do with little deacons?  Video games.  Now are my deacons about to commit atrocities?  Maybe.  WHUH??!?!  Check it out.  Ether 15: 15 in the Book of Mormon:


And it came to pass that when they were all gathered together, every one to the army which he would, with their wives and their children—both men, women and children being armed with aweapons of war, having shields, and bbreastplates, and head-plates, and being clothed after the manner of war—they did march forth one against another to battle; and they fought all that day, and conquered not. 


Now I don’t actually think my kids are going to go to war any time soon in this fashion because they want to, but it isn’t outside the realm of possibility with all the gun grabbing going on and the coming collapse we’re facing that we are indeed dealing with civil war and war with other countries who are pissed that we bankrupted their savings through inflation and money printing or default on our obligations (see unfunded liabilities portion on  And should our kids need to fight in this manner I have faith our prophet will tell us what we should do.

So!…I started out telling the boys this quote from William Tecumseh Sherman in his address to the graduating class of the Michigan Military Academy on June 19th 1879:


I’ve been where you are now and I know just how you feel. It’s entirely natural that there should beat in the breast of every one of you a hope and desire that some day you can use the skill you have acquired here.  Suppress it! You don’t know the horrible aspects of war. I’ve been through two wars and I know. I’ve seen cities and homes in ashes. I’ve seen thousands of men lying on the ground, their dead faces looking up at the skies. I tell you, war is Hell!


So if war is hell, ought we to mess with it at all?  The short answer of course is no.  However these days kids have X rated material unleashed on them in pg and pg13 movies all the time in the form of violent deaths, wars, murders in movies, and without a doubt video games are the same.

So what I did next in my lesson was a scripture chase of sorts.  I started with this one.  In Mormon 4:11 it says:


And it is impossible for the tongue to describe, or for man to write a perfect description of the horrible scene of the blood and carnage which was among the people, both of the Nephites and of the Lamanites; and every heart was hardened, so that they adelighted in the shedding of blood continually.”


What I pointed out to the boys is that these people delighted in the shedding of blood.  Was it possible, and I shared this with the young men, that these people said, “Whoever can sink the most arrows, knives, axes, into the target the fastest wins and the rest are losers.”…long before they actually went to war or wanted to?  Yes.  Was it possible that this was delightful, or as I said to the boys in a word they’d understand, fun?  Are the video games that are out now…fun and delightful?  I can tell you from experience that they are yes.

What follow is a progression from delighting in bloodshed to…i.e. Satan gradually upping the ante…

The next scripture I shared was this.

Moroni 9:3 And now behold, my son, I fear lest the Lamanites shall destroy this people; for they do not repent, and Satan stirreth them up continually to aanger one with another.

I pointed out to the young men that first Satan made the games they might have been playing back then “delightful” (fun).  Then he started stirring them up to anger.  Now comes in an article I read from Gerald Celente.  He states in the Trends Journal of 2013:


In the case of video games, a new study from Ohio State University found that those who play violent video games for three consecutive days show increases in aggression and hostility with each day played.” 


I’m not sure which it is and if it even matters, but one could muse on whether they delighted first in the games and violence and then were angry and aggressive or vice versa.  The cause and effect is there.  Video games, violent ones, lead to bad behavior and if left ‘untreated’ can fester into something none of us want to see.

So first came delighting in “video games”, then aggression, then…?


Moroni 9: 5 For so exceedingly do they anger that it seemeth me that they have no fear of death; and they have lost their love, one towards another; and they athirst after blood and revenge continually.


We read the above scripture next.  So first the video games are fun, but they make

you aggressive and then you, naturally I believe, lose your love for others.  Why wouldn’t you if you were just blowing people away 24/7 online and knifing them in the back and boasting of your accomplishments in doing so?  I found this very very interesting as it states in the first underlined portion that they have no fear of death.  Originally when I found the scripture and went to share it with the young men I was going to share it for the purpose of pointing out how the people had lost their love for one another. 

When we were in class however and we read the scripture, what popped into my head (The Holy Ghost’s prompting I think) was that “they have no fear of death” is exactly true when it comes to video games.  I mean think about it.  If you die, you immediately “respawn” or “load from your last check point?” or lose a couple “hearts” or your Lego man magically re-builds itself and you keep on fighting the good fight.  What is truly scary about that?  Honestly?  Nothing.  So here I’ve got Satan who is the father of all lies, right?  Why wouldn’t he lie about video games and desensitize us to death?  Why wouldn’t he play down how harrowing and destructive and final death really is as it relates to the mortal body? 

Who would be more scared of death before they went to their first day of boot camp cause world war three just broke out?  The young man or woman who never played a day of video games and never experienced “respawning” or the the young man or woman who just got finished getting high winning capture the flag on the latest first person shooter game where they “died” 15-20 times?  The answer is very easy to see in this context.  Clearly one could see how warped one mind would be in comparison to another in this example and allll the unintended and bad consequences of this

After reading that last verse I walked the young men through the following scripture chain to paint the picture for them what bad things happen in war…


Mormon 5:8 And now behold, I, Mormon, do not desire to harrow up the souls of

men in casting before them such an awful scene of blood and carnage as was laid

before mine eyes; but…War is Hell!….

Mormon 4:14 And they did also march forward against the city Teancum, and did

drive the inhabitants forth out of her, and did take many prisoners both women

and children, and did offer them up as asacrifices unto their idol gods.

Mormon 4: 21 And when they had come the second time, the Nephites were

driven and slaughtered with an exceedingly great slaughter; their women and their

achildren were again sacrificed unto idols.

Moroni 9:7-10 And now I write somewhat concerning the sufferings of this

people. For according to the knowledge which I have received from Amoron,

behold, the Lamanites have many prisoners, which they took from the tower of

Sherrizah; and there were men, women, and children.

8 And the husbands and fathers of those women and children they have slain; and

they feed the women upon the aflesh of their husbands, and the children upon the

flesh of their fathers; and no water, save a little, do they give unto them.

9 And notwithstanding this great aabomination of the Lamanites, it doth not

exceed that of our people in Moriantum. For behold, many of the daughters of the

Lamanites have they taken prisoners; and after bdepriving them of that which was

most dear and precious above all things, which is cchastity and dvirtue

10 And after they had done this thing, they did murder them in a most acruel

manner, torturing their bodies even unto death; and after they have done this, they

devour their flesh like unto wild beasts, because of the hardness of their hearts;

and they do it for a token of bravery.


So the question I asked myself is, “Is playing these fun games worth it for the momentary pleasure when the potential consequences down the line are this serious?”  Now for the scripture chain analysis that made me think of sharing all of the above in the first place with these young men.  By the way I totally botched linking this chain altogether for my mother the other day when we were in the temple, but I figured it out now hahaaa!!!

Last year in Sunday School we studied The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.  Towards the end of the year we came across the following verses:

Mormon 7: 1 And now, behold, I would speak somewhat unto the a (Lets check out this footnote in a sec!!!!)remnant of this people who are spared, if it so be that God may give unto them my words, that they may know of the things of their fathers; yea, I speak unto you, ye remnant of the house of Israel; and these are the words which I speak: 

2 Know ye that ye are of the ahouse of Israel.

3 Know ye that ye must come unto repentance, or ye cannot be saved.

4 Know ye that ye must lay down your weapons of war, and delight no more in the shedding of blood, and take them not again, save it be that God shall acommand you.


When I originally read this I thought, “MAN!…I wish my country would friggin’ listen to this guy and that instead of writing to the “remnant of this people” I wish he was writing/directing himself to the gentiles.  Well…he did.  We’ll get to that in one second.  What I found interesting about these verses is that one he identifies the people for them (remembering where we came from is essential to know who we are and where we’re going).  Then he tells them to repent.  What I found interesting is what the first thing he says they should repent of FIRST.  To reiterate verse 4 says, “Know that ye must lay down your weapons of war, and delight (there’s that word again…) no more in the shedding of blood, and take them not again, save it be that God shall command you.(more on this in a later post)”  Wow! 

So what major issues do we have going on that this prophet of the Lord saw for our day?  We have abortion, pornography, drugs, lying, and stealing ( to name just a few.  Many of these would be considered, I think, those oft referred to “abominations” that are in the scriptures.  And yet he doesn’t start out telling them that they should repent of any of those things first….  To avoid complete and utter destruction he says to stop the warfare and lay down the weapons of war (  Here is one of the last writers of the Book of Mormon who just witnessed/is witnessing the ENTIRE destruction of his people.  Were I a writer of this book and had just seen my family, community, and country literally (Moroni 9:10) torn to shreds through murder and war and I knew that whatever I wrote would be read by millions of people later on and perhaps some of my immediate family and I only had a little space to write a warning to the future I’d try and pinpoint for those future readers what single thing (or so) to avoid so as to ensure their survival.  I’d make it the first thing to do.  I’d tell them specifically what it is they should do, which if you think about it is very poignant if you’ve ever read the Book of Mormon cause there is an earlier statement that was edited by the guy who wrote this verse to be included in the BoM that says the prophet can’t tell you all the ways you can sin cause there are so many ways you could do it.

I find that extremely interesting.  Maybe you don’t and you feel like you just wasted 10-15 minutes reading to this point.  Ok.  Now for the link to us as gentiles via that Mormon 7:1 footnote.  That footnote a leads to Mormon 5:9 that says:


And also that a knowledge of these things must acome unto the remnant of these

people, and also unto the Gentiles, who the Lord hath said should bscatter this people, and this people should be counted as naught among them


So there you have it.  Those Mormon 7:1-4 verses and beyond were written and directed to us.  Lay down your weapons of war people!  How do you (I!!!!) do that as an individual when you aren’t in charge of putting down the rifles, tanks, and nukes?  You start by cultivating a spirit of peace in your self.  Then you cultivate it in your home by what you allow in your home.  Start with music.  Then move on to books.  Then move on to video games.  Then movies.  Then you quit supporting those that are in charge of the military (typically corporations/private interests that control the politicians) and walk away and walk your own path.  If you and your kids don’t you will face the same outcome/result/destruction as this historian was a part of.  I will be the first to say that this won’t be easy and I’ll be updating my blog I’m sure with how I’m doing with it.  In the meantime I’m going to ask my voluminous readers to hold off on the invites to the bloody movies and game nights of call of duty and halo.

I also welcome evidence/comments below to the contrary.  Show me how massive buildup of weaponry doesn’t eventually mean they get used.  The only possible case I’d consider coming close is the work done by the guy who they created the movie with Russell Crowe in A beautiful Mind about won a Nobel peace prize for his work on war game theory and mutual assured destruction during the cold war.

I liked this quote by Chris Duane, “If you want peace, cultivate peace in your home.”  Look for things that you are exposed to or perhaps your kids that are X-rated.  I was over at my brother’s house for something and on their TV was star wars the cartoon.  For disclosure sake, I’ve seen all the star wars and watched this show while it was on AND with the thought of this blog post too.  What I realized though while I was watching the cartoon, during which seemed like it was the longest battle ever lol, was that though blood and guts and brains weren’t getting splattered everywhere…every one and their comrade was getting vaporized and cut in half by light sabers etc (massive desensitizing on a kid level).  Now I know that the sabers effectively cauterize the wounds hence why no blood J, but still put/edit that back in and it would’ve been one heck of a bloody movie everywhere you looked. 

Now I of course don’t think my nephew or brother were or are evil for watching it.  In fact I remember thinking, “Man why didn’t cartoons look this good when I was growing up?”  I did realize though that the cartoon was quite x-rated and didn’t hit me as such till after a little bit and I felt a little uncomfortable.  Now maybe this post is so long my brother and his wife won’t read it, but if they do…I’m not judging you!

So there you have it.  My long long looooong blog post on War, Satan, Mormons, Gentiles.

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