Thursday, December 20, 2012




            So I’m kind of what some might call a nut, whack job, conspiracy theorist.  That’s ok with me.  I know it.  My family knows it.  The government knows it (and stores it, it = info about this type of stuff…see more conspiracy.  Well kinda…  Anywho so if you’re a whack job eventually you run through the cool, interesting, confrontational, uncomfortable, and far out conspiracies like 9/11, gmo’s, landing on the moon, mind control, etc.  Then you start in to perhaps more mainstream conspiracy like the petro dollar and the federal reserve system and JFK and why he was really assassinated, etc. 


So that is all good and dandy and I’ve gladly shifted my assets around after learning about those mainstream conspiracies and have a small amount of precious metals…or do I?  J  Who are we kidding though lol see previous website…  Anways I’ve mentioned previously that I’m reading a book called Less is More.  It has got some really interesting and powerful points about wealth.  A couple of which that stick out to me are as follows.


Basically everything that man needs to subsist and survive is near at hand and pretty much easy to access like food, fuel, and certain metals.  The things he doesn’t need like wealth and lots of it, and in its historical representation of it for 5000 years, i.e. gold and silver, is buried deep in the ground underneath tons and tons and literally tons of dirt and rock.  Now I don’t wanna hear complaining and arguments about how gold and silver are necessary cause that is another topic for another day.  The point is Heavenly Father buried it deep in the ground whereas the things we do need are, again, readily at hand.  If you’re religious this should cause you some thought.  If you’re mormon, even more considering all the many references of gold and silver in the book of mormon and how many lives were lost both spiritually and physically over those two metals.


Now for the second thought.  In Less is More it talks about the blood, sweat, and tears put into digging up those two metals and the seriousness of holding them yourself.  It warned one to basically not be careless with holding them, but to also not hoard it and covet it, which I’m not sure I’ve done the best as with them both being currently severely undervalued it is hard for me to not want and covet them.  It warned that one must by mature in holding those two metals.  Why?  Because of the massive MASSIVE wars that have been fought over those two metals.  When I read that it kind of took me back and surprised me.  I hadn’t really thought I needed to be responsible with them as up to that point I had only been excited in the prospect of owning them, but it did wake me to how potentially dangerous and life threatening both spiritually, but perhaps even more so physically for the safety of me and my family having those metals in our possession would be.  I say physically is more an issue cause I think I have a pretty safe handle on coveting although I’m still not perfect at avoiding it.


Anywho those are my thoughts on the matter and I’m sticking to it…for now…until something better comes along.

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