Thursday, December 8, 2011

I want to live in a foreign country

Where should I live though?  I've been researching Australia and Singapore recently.  Today I was on the CIA's world factbook website reading up about Singapore.  And I wasn't very happy about it.  Why?  A few reasons that are mostly financial. 

Their GDP is surging right now.  Last year alone they grew at 14.5% rate.  Our rate of growth sucks.

After some more reading I found out that...

In 2006 if you $100,000 in US Dollars and moved it to a bank account in Singapore, at the end of 2010 you'd have $116,000 moved back to your US bank account cause that is how much the US dollar has gone down in value.

Or you could reverse it.
If you had a $100,000 singapore dollars and transferred it to the US in 2006, when you transferred it back, you'd only have $84,000 in Singapore dollars.
If that doesn't upset you then I don't does.  If you don't think taking a 4% cut in pay for the last 4 years is a problem for you then we should talk.  Especially in the face of rising costs at the pump and the grocery store.

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