Friday, December 9, 2011

How to achieve your dreams

Dream it – Take the time to list all you want your profit potential to be.

Detail it – tell how you can accomplish each item in the above list. Give the names, phone numbers and addresses of the people and firms that can help you.

Do it – Create a calendar of events. Make it realistic so you will be able to achieve your profit potential. Give the date you will start and conclude each activity and who will help you.

Protect I – Decide upon the business structures(s) you should have to operate your business most efficiently and profitably and that will help you protect your assets. List the names, phone numbers and addresses of the people and firms that can help you,

Invest it – Create your investment plan to achieve your profit potential. List the names, addresses and phone number of those who can help you.

Share it – List the ways you would like to share your wealth. Include how you will share it, now and after you are gone. Be specific. Set up a system for sharing it. List the names, addresses and phone numbers of those you wish to help and who can assist you.

Enjoy it – List all the ways you want to enjoy your life when you achieve your profit potential and who will help you. Be specific. Give the names, addresses and phone numbers of those who will help you in this process.

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