Friday, November 9, 2012

Lightning vs Terrorism...Who wins???

Fun fact.  You’re more likely to die from a lightning strike
then from terrorism.
  Let that sink if for a second.  You’re more likely to die from a lightning strike then from terrorism.  Some people would say, “oh…that’s interesting”.  In light of spending during this ‘fiscal cliff’ season I’d like to ask this question.  If AMERICANS are more likely to die from lightning then from terrorism, by the way this is 5 MILLION times more likely, why aren’t we spending the type of money we have on terrorism to stop lightning deaths and prevent them?   




That is 1.3 TRILLION dollars, almost 1.4 trillion.  That is how much we’ve spent so far on the war on terror.  We’ve spent that much on preventing something that kills fewer Americans than lightning strikes.  Go figure. 


One question I’ve learned to ask recently and it is ancient roman cause I’m a badass and know how to speak ancient roman is…duh duh duhnnn Cui Bono? 
Who benefits?

Think about private contractors for military defense (Blackwater anyone???) and military production companies.  Not too mention the….OILLLLLL.  If you haven’t already watched Faranheit 9/11…you should.  If not to get the oil side of the story, but for the absolute corruptness/riggedness of the political process when bush jr. first got elected.  Anywho check it out yallllll.

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