A product roadmap is a strategic document that
helps you communicate your broader product vision and goals to your team, other
stakeholders, and other users. It can help open up a dialogue about the
direction the business is being taken in and gather info from customers about
what they want and need without giving away top secret details should you
choose to publish your roadmap to the world and competitors.
Your product roadmap will not be an exact
timeline of development. It is quite hard to predict releases and launch
dates in advance. Rather than putting
down specific dates putting down broader dates in terms of a range, i.e. Q4 of
2019 will see the release of X when you’re listing elements within the product
roadmap. Also labeling or color coding similar product roadmap items will
help to paint a broader pictures of the type of things being worked on now,
soon, and in the future.
What follows is an example of a product roadmap
I like from ProdPad that illustrates many of the points I made above.
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