Monday, November 25, 2013

Dude what's the deal with gold and silver?

I very easily think gold (silver) could go much much lower in dollar terms.  I'm pretty sure the gold/silver book talks about ratio investing.  That form of analysis makes a lot of sense to me in gauging real values of things.  While gold may go to $700, what is it terms of ratio investing when comparing it to oil or the nasdaw, etc. 
I listened to an interview a while ago with the hedge fund manager of the year from like 1999.  The guy predicts gold going to at least $1,100 an ounce so about another 200 from where we're at and way below what the price of gold was then (I can't remember when I listened to the interview).  I think it is wise to listen to people like that.  Top of their class, whether a bear or a bull.  It helps put things into perspective and gives you both sides of the coin to consider. 
What is interesting is doing that AND reading up on the past brethren, i'm talking like brigham young brethren and what not.  I've read stuff from the brethren that state that men will be speculators in the last days.  I think a big part of that is because of interest rates being at zero and people getting clobbered with their purchasing power and so they're chasing any gain they can get.  It used to be that simply saving, a carpenter, with a wife and 8 kids at home, could work, pay for college for all the kids, and retire no problem.  Try that today.  Not gonna happen.  Hence speculation and chasing yield in crazy ways that may or may not pan out.
just today I listened to an interview of two gold/silver bugs and they stated that the elite are pumping things that aren't real, i.e. stock market and much of real estate, and squashing real things to "shake out weak hands".  Once done to their wishes they'll take advantage, rothschild style, by buying up cheap "english bonds" or gold/silver.
Just today my bro who is also heavily invested in precious metals talked about diversifying.  Sure.  I get it.  No yield.  Not getting ahead with these non-cash flowing assets.  For reals it bugs/makes no sense.  What I think though in my head, "don't speculate and beat the rush, panic now".  One day you won't be able to get gold/silver.  I think before that day comes though that Brigham young's prophecy will be fulfilled first that says a wheelbarrow of gold won't buy you wheat.  Again food/water storage...NOT exciting, not sexy, not giving you a yield. 
Yesterday we talked about what we were thankful for in elder's quorum.  I said, among other things, I was thankful for the prophets in that they basically have prescribed for us a safe investing strategy.  Food storage, and get out of debt, and then invest in yourself via education/skills training to be able to provide more. 
6 weeks ago I went to lunch with a friend who is a lawyer, has a few businesses/makes bank.  He wishes the church would teach about good debt/bad debt.  Honestly I think the spirit will do that for people if they're humble/will listen/see.  "Ears to hear and eyes to see"  One of my brothers read that "none dare call it conspiracy" book a long time ago, but thought, "If it is a worldwide conspiracy, how come nobody comes out and says so, i.e. snitches?"  He now says "It could be, just that on certain levels the henchmen don't know every part of the conspiracy, but just theirs and even then they may not link it together as a huge conspiracy anyways."

So...yes silver/gold could get squashed quite a bit more, i.e. a huge deflationary period before the collapse, which i'm loving right now by the way in the form of cheaper gas.  I think mike predicts that in his book too.  I KNOW he has in additional video's on his website.  Pretty crazy stuff. 

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