Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I’ve given up bad movies

A few months ago I read an article by a guy named Gerald Celente. 

 The guy is a forecaster of trends and has been doing it for a long time.  In it he talks about how violent movies are.  His points really struck me and made me think of some other things I’d read and thought and had even written myself and so I decided that I wanted to be the change I wanted to see in the world and stop supporting those movies that really didn’t represent what I believed and wanted to see in the world.

In the same vein of giving up TV, giving up my movies is in part to free up my time and follow people like Ralph Little in my previous post and make some big leaps forward in my life.

One thought I had was whether or not the type of movies (pg 13 even) that are coming out now will still be coming out during the Millenium when Christ is ruling personally on earth and my answer to my own question was no.  I don’t think there will be gratuitous violence, deaths, tortures, sex, swearing, etc.  I don’t participate in those things now and don’t want to support them either and that is a big reason for ditching those types of movies.

What we did with our movie collection is gave away a lot of them to others who wanted them.  I would’ve been fine just throwing em out, but whatevs.

Previously I was renting one, sometimes two or more, redbox movies a week.  In the last several months I think I’ve probably rented 5.

Summer blockbusters and youtube.  I loved them both.  I’d watch a lot of upcoming trailers for all the newest movies.  I’ve cut way back on my youtubing and that has helped with the transition.  Watching tv also sucked when I made my switch to no bad movies cause they were constantly being advertised there.  Now that we don’t have the antennae plugged in and will soon sell the tv outright the draw will be even less here soon, which I’ll be grateful for.  It has sucked hearing about how action packed and cool the new movies looked when they first came out, but now that they’ve been out and the buzz isn’t around I don’t miss the movies and am not looking forward to them coming out on redbox.

What I’d like to do is start replacing movie time with more family/friend time and make more memories that are in person and where we connect and do something memorable.

Books have also replaced a lot of my movie watching.  I finished reading the following books lately/since I’ve kicked my movie habit.

I'm currently reading this one

As info I visit this site for movie reviews to check that it doesn’t have anything that doesn’t agree with me.  http://parentpreviews.com/  You could also try www.imdb.com if you wanted, but I find they have some sketchy stuff on their site and so I try to avoid that one.

Like my previous post on quitting tv I'll try to remember to provide updates on how its going for me and new things I'm doing that I wouldn't otherwise do.

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