writing your story don’t include the “How” it should be done. That is up to the dev team to figure out the
best way to do that and then create tasks/sub tasks to complete those things. Dipping your toe in the “How” waters can lead
to constraining a story to follow what you have written. You also run the risk of getting too involved
with the details of how the story and value is to be delivered and that can
lead you to spending time on things that don’t need your attention, which then
detracts from continuing to gather requirements and prioritize which valuable
things need to be done first.
writing acceptance criteria, it is important to write them so that you tell the
developer and QA resources what you want them to test against. All acceptance criteria should be testable. A bad example would be, “X technology passes
a flag to X other technology so that a customer doesn’t have tax withheld from
their order”. Instead a better example
would be, “Demonstrate that a customer can click a button to then have taxes
withheld from their order.” The first
example is too specific and limiting.
The second lets the dev team decide how to make something happen but is
easy to demonstrate that it works or not, i.e. if it was done right this would
be the result.
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