Monday, July 29, 2013

Lifting update w/chart

My current squat is sitting at 180*7 reps, 175*7, and 170*7.  Today when I go to lift I will be trying for 185*7, etc.

My current bench is sitting at 165*7 reps, 160*7, and 155*6.  Sooo close.  May be able to hit 7 reps on all sets today.  We shall see.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Don't SHOULD on me bro!

Hey don't should on yourself man.  Ash don't should on me.  Brock don't should on me.  People stop shoulding on other people.  Sheeze.  SHOULDN'T you figure out your own life first before you start telling other people what they SHOULD do?


Stop it.  

It's annoying.  

Me and the wifey are trying to cut this word out of our vocabulary.  Well really I am.  I find it is a REALLY codependent word.  I find that when I don't use it that my sentences and talk are softer.  When I think about what I'd say in place of SHOULD I often find that my thought wasn't necessarry to begin with and that I've got the bigger issues here.

My aquaponics experiment

In my post indoctrination period of my life I've stumbled across aquaponics.

Aquaponics as defined by wikipedia -  is a sustainable food production system that combines conventional aquaculture, (raising aquatic animals such as snails, fishcrayfish, or prawns in tanks), with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environment.

I wanted to try out this sustainable system.  I came across many different kinds of systems.  Some large.

Some small.

I came across this one that is a do it yourself kinda system and it ran about 70 bucks and was even up on to try and get funding.

I was bummed cause I did not want to fork out 70 bucks for this experiment so I ghetto hacked that ish!

Fish $.10-.20 I want to say.  Bowl $2-3 at the local thrift store.  Organic seeds $2.  Fish's name is Maher-shalal-hash-baz by the way.

Black potter thingys from walmart that I cut down to fit inside the fish bowl $3.  Fish bowl rocks $2-3.

Wire that the wife had laying around for craft stuff $0.  I simply laced/crisscrossed the wire under the black potters and down underneath the bowl in a crisscrossed fashion.  I then did a wire band using the same wire around the lip of the bowl to help it stay in place and I also taped the wire underneath the bowl so it wouldn't move around.

My coworkers contributed huge bags of leftover fish food for free so I've got fish food seriously for several years now.

I placed the seeds in the rocks about a quarter inch down and filled the bowl up to about that point too.  Those mothers sprouted on the third day I believe when the package said they'd sprout on day 7-10.  What is nice about the whole system is that it is extremely low maintenance.  Honest I haven't changed the water in months lol.  I just add more water to it once the lettuce sucks it up and the rest evaporates.  

Its nice to have this low maintenance thing when your lazy.  How lazy?  Well this is what happens when you have to actually water your plants when they aren't already just sitting in water and getting fertilized by the fish.

Yikes.  This kitchen herb (or as my father-in-law likes to say HER-b) never stood a chance against the ravages of my laziness.

So my thoughts/prognosis on aquaponics?  Definite yes.  I'll scale it up one day once I've got a bigger place of my own.  Yes I have tried the lettuce and it is indeed very lettucy.  It was funny cause I originally had this thing sitting on my desk at work and people would get grossed out and ask how I could eat it cause wouldn't it have that sh*t all over it from the fish and I'd say that it didn't have any more of it than the vegetables that you eat that are fertilized on the big farms with cow/horse/chicken manure ground into the dirt and that gets kicked up onto your plant when rain hits the ground and splatters that crap on your lettuce there.  At least here I don't have poop flying everywhere.  

So there you go.  I'm an aquaponics master/guru.  Hey...I ought to do a course on about this......

App template, Coding breeze, systems are great!

In my journey of coding bliss (but not so much) I feel like I've learned quite a bit.  One thing I know I'd like to do for income and portfolio purposes is build apps.  Some of my own ideas and some for businesses.  In my journey I tried setting up my own development environments and then was trying to use their plug-ins and build my own code, but mostly I spent so much time trying to set up the environments, that by the time I got around to building code I wasn't excited and because I'm such a newb to the programming environment I wouldn't really be effective to build the things that I wanted to.  This is where turning to others is important.

I went upstairs to a co-worker and asked him some things about coding and found out one of his old professors had built a site that allows you to build code for an app and have that code simultaneously be uploaded to both IOS and android stores.  What?!  There are places where I can build one app, but have it go to several different publishers?  DUH!  One of those places you could do this is sencha if you wanted to check them out.

The next thing I stumbled across was and their course on how to build an app w/o any coding experience.  Discussing this with my brother made even more sense.  Here is this site that not only lets you build one app that you can then publish to several different stores like sencha and others, but they also give you templates to use for anything from buttons and colors for your background to plug-ins for rss feeds, paypal links, maps to google, etc.  They also let you to switch to the back end stuff that I talked about earlier if you'd like and manipulate the data/format using html and css and you could add in more back end heavy languages if your heart so desired, which was exciting for me cause I feel like this is where the good polishing of an app would occur.

Systems!  They're great and they're the bread and butter of any successful business.  One thing my brother mentioned that I also liked and had experienced in my frustrations of setting up my own development environments I mentioned at the beginning is that often once set up it'd already be obsolete.  With this site that isn't the case anymore.  They do all the back end updating for you and you just use the templates to build away w/o having to worry if the latest api and patch is on your system after you scoured stackoverflow for how to get the correct said patch on your system to find out it is already old or your doing it wrong.

So while the nerdy kid takes 86.4 hours to build one custom app from scratch using his own code, be a really SMRT person

 and just swallow your pride and use what people have already done and make 10 or 20 apps in the same amount of time as the nerdy kid.  At least that is what i'm going to try and do.

Do you like it in the bow or the stern of the...

coding world?  Me personally I like it in the BOW, or front end, or for the uninitiated, the pretty stuff you see on an app or web page.

Yesterday I finished a work project and had some extra time on my hands since the boss is out of town till Monday so I was trying to figure out what I should do with my time and not have an anxiety attack cause I didn't know what I wanted to do with myself.  That is when I realized something.  I like front end work more than back end work when it comes to coding/software development.  This is how it happened.

I started code year about three or four-ish months ago on  It was and has been enjoyable to learn how things are working behind the scenes.  However as I was going back to code year yesterday and was yet again faced with trudging through this.

I realized that wasn't the funnest prospect for me at the time and so I begrudgingly started working on an app I'm building for a pizza restaurant down the street from me and...I found myself enjoying it.  I'm using to build the app.  I'll discuss this site and what is going on with it and why I like it more later.  What I did notice though while working on the app though is that I enjoyed figuring out the layout and colors and images and what not and that is a big deal.  I'll tell you why.

There a BAJILLION things to do or you could do in coding/programming.  It really can be overwhelming.  Josh Kaufman talked about this in his latest book I read of his in which he mentions feeling paralysis by analysis when considering all the different ways he could go about improving his current website with the myriad of languages out there.

So while I think I have it pinned down on the direction I'd like to head, I'll need to confirm this through further experimentation and study.  I'll keep you posted if my mini epiphany was indeed true or not.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Book of Mormon Lobbyists

If you read this blog you know I like to comment on things happening today and how they're Book of Mormon related.  Well today as I was listening to my ipod on shuffle it played Alma Chapter 51.  I was busy doing some work and didn't immediately change the "song" and wasn't really paying attention until the end of verse two and into three when it struck me.  There were people who were lobbyists back then.

From wikipedia on lobbyist - Professional lobbyists are people whose business is trying to influence legislation on behalf of a group or individual who hires them.

From the Book of Mormon on lobbyist - a part of the people who desired that a few particular points of the a law should be altered.

The following is what sparked this thought originally for me.

3 But behold, Pahoran would not alter nor suffer the law to be altered; therefore, he did not hearken to those who had sent in their voices with their petitions concerning the altering of the law.

I always like finding correlations and often how much our societies were similar to each other politically, economically, spiritually, etc.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Jesus, the Tea Party, Inflation, Mormons and THE secret combination

I have a coworker who is a die hard republican.  He's a hard worker and smart enough to get into graduate school for a masters in history.  What history they're forcing him to study and its applicability to what actually matters as far as what is important is up to debate and not pertinent to this post.

Today he was talking to another coworker about inflation being around 1.5% and I immediately thought this was wrong as I've stumbled across in the past and recently watched the peter schiff video that will be included later in this post on the bogusness that is our government and both sides of the political spectrum being complicit in the lies.

He had stopped by my desk yesterday actually to talk politics and asked me if I was going to support Rand Paul to which I said I wasn't, but knowing his demeanor as it relates to politics didn't feel too keen on diving into it, but after his inflation comment (and peter's urging toward the end of the video to share said video with friends/family who are confused, interested in learning, or wrong about inflation) I figured I said him some things and comment further on the politics thing since I just left it hanging.

What follows is that email conversation.  My text is in blue.  His is red.  The pink text is me, but after our conversation and just my own notes/not sent to him.  Enjoy!

From: Brock Norton
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 12:05 PM
Subject: inflation is wayyyyy more than the 1.something percent you mentioned that i overheard

Also rand endorsed romney and i don't agree with romney's two faced ness and lies and so i couldn't support rand. 
Also ron, in his farewell speech said for people to walk away.  "Trust Yourself, Not the Government!" - Ron Paul this is just part one of his farewell speech.

I am watching this now.  Did Moroni or Mormon ever just walk away even when the system was broken and people had given up on the Lord.  If we don’t attempt to support good candidates and stay informed we will never rectify change. 
One day I might just run for office and I hope you will be there.

yes. don't you remember mormon stopped guiding the army?    
One problem with continuing to vote for the current system is that it is collectively based, in my opinion.  Einstein said you can't solve a problem with the same consciousness that created it.  What is hard to own up to in my opinion is that we are the only ones we can change.  We must be the change we want to see in the world.  Moroni did warn us in ether 8:24 to beware of THE secret combination.  What is that combination?  President Ezra t benson said...

Oh I know about those secret combinations.  Mormon did stop guiding the army, but in Chapter 5 he returns to lead the people after standing by to be a witness of their wickedness.   (He didn't have to though, could've done it from the sideline, and the Lord didn't ask him to.   

In reality the Lord had already washed His hands of them after getting shot down in verse 2 of chapter 3 of mormon, which was followed up by verses 9-10 and verse 14.  I think the definitive proof of this is shown to us in verse 15.  Any subsequent action by Mormon wasn't sanctioned or condemned by the Lord and is even admitted/recognized as such by mormon in mormon 5:2, but more likely Mormon's involvement was all that the dude had done his whole life, i.e. a warrior since the age of 16 (Mormon 2:2), and didn't have anything else he could've done anyways given commerce would have been at a standstill in full on mortal combat. 

An interesting note is what I saw in chapter 5 in verse 2.  The Lord's judgements were upon them.  Judgement based on what?  The judgement of them embracing THE secret combination, i.e. central banking and those powers that be and that were talked about by john f kennedy For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed." - John F. Kennedyand president benson here, which once done and according to President Benson ensured their destruction.

Interesting insight, mormon 4:5, "by the wicked that the wicked are punished."  In our continuing study/notes on THE secret combination, it is both parties and both halves of the country that embraced THE secret combination and have continued to do so up until now and so it only makes sense that a huge civil war will happen dividing the country in half and then having both halves take each other out.

Are we in the Mormon 3:3 moment of the quiet before the storm?  I feel like I've been shaken awake with the 2008 collapse being a catalyst to waking me up to reality)

We can’t right off an inspired system that has been changed and modified by those participating in secret combinations to garner power.   (Why not?  It isn't even the same system anymore by your own admission!) 
If good men do not stand up for constitutional principles then we will not be able to make a difference. We need to pray for our leaders and be active in the process so we can educate those who will listen.
I would recommend not righting it all off yet.

So how do you stand up for the constitution, your rights as an individual without violence and without voting?  If indeed it is a secret combination that is in control of the government and finance, i.e. the central banks that president benson so adamantly endorses as THE secret combination, then any measure of voting for good and anything you do inside THEIR system is doomed to fail, don't you agree?  The way to do it is to stop empowering them and walk away.  If you walk away from their system and debt servitude for LIFE via mortgages, student loans, corporate cog careers, and feeding their system with leaving your money with them, then they fall w/o violence and w/o voting in "new" people/parties.  Did Jesus work within the broken system?  Did Ghandi? 

I just don’t agree that walking away is the best response to a broken system.  We know the constitution is inspired by God as espoused in D&C.  We know from D&C we need to vote for and uphold quality candidates that strive to live the principles of the constitution.
If we do not stay involved in voting, and educated others we will never be able to rectify change.  Ghandi and the Savior staid involved.  They did not walk away from the British or Sanhedrin but stood up to them and worked to educate those around them.
They attempted to break the old system by introducing a new one, but they had to fight, Ghandi almost giving his life and the Savior giving it.
I won’t be walking way any time soon, and would encourage you not to as well.  Change can happen.
Off to a meeting.

You said it yourself amigo.  They introduced a new one.  Kidding aside they walked their OWN path of truth.  Part of it was, "its every one's duty to warn their neighbor", but really they knew they had to do things completely different.  They understood that one couldn't put new wine in old bottles/skins, which is the same thing that has happened with our political system, i.e. tea partyers and others are trying to fix from within and it isn't going to happen (especially when we've already sealed our fate by embracing the secret combination and we know this via President Benson's proclamation previously linked) . 

 You and I KNOW what is going to happen here.  There are plenty of legit/recorded prophecies that the country will be torn to shreds through civil war and strife and warring in other countries.  There are some second hand prophecies detailing another political party coming out, which may or may not be true.  I think, this is my opinion, but I think it is a mistake to assume when we think of "the constitution will hang by a thread" and be saved means that it will be done by either the republican/democratic parties.  I do believe that the IDEAS of the constitution, which aren't relegated to any political party and especially democrats and republicans who weren't even in existence when it was created, are really what will be saved by the members of the church.  With that it is just another reason to abandon the old bottles of the republicans and democrats.

 I actually do agree that we ought to vote for candidates who truly support the constitution and freedom.  Currently we don't have that.  And by have it I mean it on a big enough scale/mainstream enough to matter/effect real change.  This was evidenced by ron paul getting the shaft by his own party in the last election.  I was the precinct chair for the republican party for my precinct at one point and went to the republican convention here in Utah.  A motion was put forth by someone, at one of those microphones they put up at the front to ask questions or get motions started/proposed, to just have someone talk for FIVE minutes about Ron Paul, another republican presidential candidate.  A vote was asked for and was struck down.  When I saw this I couldn't believe it.  That moment to me signaled that we were already gone as far as even listening to other points of view in this country.

 Were romney or obama legitimately good for the country I would've voted and I will do so for any future candidates.  Romney is/was a wolf in sheeps clothing though in his support for gays in scouting, not calling out THE secret combination, which coincidentally much of his financial support came from and is proof of him being a wolf in sheeps clothing, his endorsing of our corrupt friend Orrin Hatch, his warped/illogical foreign policy, which is actually worse than obama's and others and on and on and on.

 So I'll extend this offer, if you can legitimately show me a candidate that is worth voting for than I'd do it.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Itchy itchy snitchy witchy bit...

So I had the itch the other day.  The itch to employ my "employees", i.e. excess funds beyond weekly, monthly, 6 month buffer, needs, into income producing assets.  So I started looking around.  Stocks.  Interesting to own a part of a real business that generates you passive income.  REITs seem cool and similar to what I like, i.e. real estate.  What about lending club?  What about something going up to the bakken oil fields?  What about something something something?  

Mainly my focus/interest though leans to real estate.  I've looked at mobile homes too.  No go on the real estate/stock thing for me though after thinking about one main thing.  

Interest rates. 

When they go up, prices, when all else is equal (which isn’t ever the case and in fact I think “all else” is going to get a lot worse as far as effecting house prices going up, but for simplicity sake this time we’ll let it be), must come down.  How much must they come down?

For a property/home that is 100k with a 3.5% interest rate, which we just finished visiting on the historical interest train just about a month ago, on a 30 year mortgage has a payment of $449.04. 

I happen to know through a tiny bit of research that the AVERAGE 30 year interest rate on a mortgage is 6.97%, or basically double the first rate. 

How much is the payment on that 100k house now at 6.97%?  $663.29.  That is a 47% increase in mortgage payment amounts made each month!!!! 

Now this is very important so pay attention…BROCK! Lol.  Remember I’m itchy… 

Now lets continue to assume that indeed “all else” stayed the exaaaact same as it was when the house sold for 100k at 3.5%, but now we’re facing 6.97% interest rates.  Would anyone in his or her right mind buy that house? 

Now to “all else”.  To me “all else” would be that employment didn’t improve or worsen, incomes didn’t go up or down, the population stayed the exact same, supply of houses stayed the exact same.

Hopefully the answer is abundantly clear.  The answer is that nobody in his or her right mind would buy that property or even goes look at it as clearly it was overpriced by 47%, which is the realization I finally came to. 

To flush out my thoughts. 

We’re as a people up to our nostrils in debt. if you haven’t already been there.  CRAZY site.  We’ve never been in worse debt and it is growing exponentially.  If “we” came to me or you and asked to borrow more money then AND you HAD to give it to them, but you could change the amount of interest they must pay would I/you set it lower or higher knowing the trend of debt accumulation?  Now that is another easy lob for you to knock out of the park.  Higher.  Way higher is where you’d set the rate.  Much higher than the current record low amount that is currently being charged to “we”.

So now that that is established and we know that things tend to revert to the mean/average over time that means that we’re going to, as it relates to house mortgage interest rates, greatly surpass 6.97%.  That means all those REITs and stocks (those stocks are indeed businesses that get charged interest rates too for the loans they have and are apart of the “we”) and mobile homes and trucks (car loans) to go to the bakken oil fields will be much more affordable and likely by a discounted amount of 50% plus.  This is just interest rates.

Demographics are changing and in a way here in the US that fewer and fewer people will be buying homes in the future.

So while I could buy a healthy amount of passive income currently, by protecting my assets in inflation-protected assets like food, fuel, protection, and other hard assets.  I’ll be able to buy even MORE of those assets once rates have normalized and lowered prices to even more favorable levels.

Ahhh…itch is more bearable now…..

Bike Trailer

Dun dun dun!  We got one.  It set up real easy and rode around nicely on my bike.  Ashlee tried it too and seemed to like it.  We haven’t gone and gotten groceries yet, but I think we’ll be able to run some kind of errand here soon with it. 

The whole biking thing is interesting cause it invites me to be much less woosy and way more bad to the bone.  Done to the marrow man.  Real bad. 

I’ve ridden the bike down to the local hardware store to get some things that a few months ago I would’ve just hopped in the car for for the two minute car ride.  I’ve also put off going to wally world and other places cause I didn’t want it to ride in the car when I could do it another time when I legit had some other things to do.  Overall I’m very pleased with the experience.  I need to quickly re-learn how to ride without touching the handle bars.  I just need to find a good flat parking lot.  I’ll have to post some pics soon of us on our bikes that Ashlee had us take.  We did make a ride down main street on our bikes 4th of July to get breakfast.  That was nice and fun.  Good times.

Lifting Update

So I've started squatting using a bungee cord to help signal to me that I've gone low enough in my lift. I back up...hold on a second.

 If you're interested in squatting I would give a few tips.

One when you get under the bar flex your neck muscles by kinda scrunching upwards your shoulders. This form seems to take A LOT of pressure off of my neck. I had always wondered how those huge dudes were able to do so much weight and with that one simple step it makes way more sense, is way more comfortable, and you kinda feel huge honestly. It feels like your this behemoth carrying a huge log or something impressively heavy though this may not be the case while you’re making your initial big gains/progress, but that doesn’t really matter as long as you have proper safe form.

Next step is to always un-rack and then re-rack the weight facing into the back of the rack. Maybe people already know this and have been doing it for years, but I hadn’t been and I’ve lifted weights every so often. This way you can properly do step one and two so that when you put the weight back you don’t EVER miss the racking position. Not that I ever have and if I did it would all just fall to the safety cross bars, but hey if we can avoid it then why not ya know? Now back to where I left off.

 After un-racking I step back and go slowly down till I feel the bungee hitting my leg/buttucks. I’ll have to somehow get the video my brother has of me doing it on his ipod on here sometime. I may have mentioned this previously, but when squatting your going to want to squat all the way down to where your leg is ideally just below parallel. This works the full quad and hammy, which is what you want. If you don’t go this low, stop it you lazy fake sack of weight lifting woosiness. This is part of my real world preparation, like for reals. If something is stuck and I need to lift it and I can only lift it if it allows my leg to already be three quarters of the way extended then I’d be all set up to about 250 lbs. If it any less than that I’d be totally hosed hence why I’m going so low into my squats.

 Other “form” notes. When grasping the bar, make sure your wrist is unbroken. This will help with proper alignment I find. Another note is to have your legs at about shoulder length apart and feet slightly pointing outwards.

 I used to use a belt cause I was afraid of hurting myself again, but have stopped so that I can build up my core muscles. This last squat session saw me do 165*7 as my first rep set, which equates to a one time equivalent of 198, a 1% increase on the year or two pound increase from my first lift this year of doing 185*3 for a one time equivalent of 196. I assume I’ll make some good gains though here in the coming weeks now that my form is much better and my strength increases legit.

 My bench…funny lil story. Monday when I lifted I knocked out my first two sets and thought they were really easy, which I was excited about. Then I went to adjust the weight for the final/third set and realized I was doing 5 lbs less than I should’ve been the whole time for each set.

I finished out the set then cause it was too late to start over with my muscles being sapped mostly already. Come yesterday though, boom, I was all set and knocked out all three sets at the proper weight starting at 160*7. Nice. That has my bench up on the year 45 lbs, 85% of goal, 31% increase from my first go at it at a laughable/pathetic 135*4 on 1/5/13. There you have it.

 I also printed out some exercise routines for my arms so that ought to help me one, do them and two not get too bored doing them.


So I'm typing this in the Colemak format.
When typewriters were created the little arms that jumped up and hit the paper would get jammed using an efficient layout and so they changed it to be a layout that wouldn't jam as often and that format is what you see under your fingers currently. There are many formats to type in now using algorithms, finger strength, finger dominance, etc. I read a book lately talking about how you can learn and have a decent mastery of something with 20 hours of work and not the oft touted 10,000 hours we're drilled with since Malcolm Gladwell's book, Outliers, pointed out that professional's/experts typically have that much time invested into their craft/skill. Now to be a master, of course, you're gonna want to be waaay closer to 10k hours instead of 20 hours. However if you're like me you want to learn/do many things and you don't have 10k hours of free time just laying around even if you cut out watching tv. So I'm learning Colemak cause I'd heard about this whole typing more efficiently thing a while ago and thought that at one point I might want to give it a shot and it just kinda lined up to work out that I could do it now. Heck I'll be typing for many years to come. Might as well try to avoid carpal tunnel as much as possible. When I started my regular typing speed was 60 words per minute. That is my goal for Colemak. When I switched I did a test and I think I hit 13 words per minute. After 6:47:52.1 time of practicing my last test was about 33 words per minute. I'll keep you posted.... :)