I don't know about caucuses and how they
work. That was yesterday after work. I went with my brother to
my local caucus. It was shocking. I'm still learning how they
A precinct is an area that people live in.
Mine is precinct 51. Precincts typically cover about a 1000 people or
less. Everyone is invited to come to the caucus that live within the
precinct. There were 6 people at my precinct caucus.
The meeting was disorganized and weird. No
real formality. People at the caucus vote/volunteer themselves or their
peers to go and represent them at the conventions that decide who will be on
the ballot/voted in to serve. The main people are the Chair, Vice Chair,
Treasurer, Secretary, State Delegate, and two County Delegates.
The meeting organizer, a previous chair nominee
for the 49th precinct, nominated himself again as his precincts Chair as
that is allowed. Nobody from that precinct nominated anybody else.
I looked at the list of names of people up for election and said that I didn't
know many of the candidates except for the Presidential hopefulls. I said
I didn't know the county/state reps, but that I could. I was told by the
other chair that there are meetings and brochures sent and phone calls made to
you to tell you about their positions. That made me feel better and I
nominated myself for the Chair. Nobody objected. In fact somebody
from my church seconded my nomination saying she knew me and knew I'd do a good
job, when in fact she doesn't hardly know me at all. Nobody else volunteered
or even submitted another person's name for the Chair position. So...now
I'm the chair for my precinct. I still really don't know what is going on
and what I'm doing. Fine.
Next up was the nominations for vice chair,
treasury, secretary, and state/county delegates. From both precincts it
was a struggle to fill the positions. Nobody volunteered. In fact
people had to nominate others. That was/is just foreign and weird to
me. People debated why they DIDN'T want to be in leadership. DIDN'T.
I volunteered myself for the state delegate and
again got no challengers. So I'm precinct 51's Chair and State
Delegate. I'm gonna do my best to filter out the corrupt politicians like
Orrin Hatch who betrayed his countrymen by voting for NDAA. I'm going to
do my best to get Ron Paul elected as president as he is the only one has NEVER
voted for a tax increase, unbalanced budget, the NDAA, bailouts, is against
needless wars that we can't even afford anyways, and a myriad of other
things, and he supports the constitution. My voice isn't just mine
anymore. It is a thousand people's voices. Voices that don't even
care to be heard. That is where our country is. People (my
coworkers that I asked this morning) would rather be doing HOMEWORK, go to the
jazz game, tried calling the office of the govt to find out which party they
were registered with but gave up after getting a voicemail. They'd rather
do that then find people that can make their lives better through protection of
the constitution, balanced budgets, no war, and protection of personal rights
for individuals and families.
It is scary that the people who care, the ones
who showed up yesterday, were so scared to say or do anything. These are
the people we're letting decide our fate. These people, let alone the
rest of the country who could give a crap less, are going to vote for people
based on the candidates looks, popularity, BODY LANGUAGE, and hate ads.
It is no wonder our country is headed down the crapper and fast. I don't
care what any of these naysayers think of my comments. Truth is we're in
trouble and people aren't aware that they can/should smell the roses. One
would think, like I did four years ago, oh one vote. Who gives a
s&%$. I know I didn't. Well guess what. My vote is now a
1000 votes. How about them apples?
Then I think about the republican race. All
four left are saying they're staying in it till the end and in the meantime
they'll be siphoning votes off of the frontrunner Romney. Well it just
might come down to the last state, Utah, to decide who is on the ballet come
November. And guess who is going to vote for Ron Paul? Yours truly.
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