Thursday, January 5, 2012

Real Estate Buying Tips Part 2

Sort out all the nonqualified sellers as fast as possible to leave you with a pool of potential motivated sellers you can spend more time with later.

Seller’s motivation and the financing equaled 90 percent of a good deal

The property itself does not matter, until you have satisfied yourself that the seller passes muster.

The second coaching point I want to make is that many of you spoke very quickly on the phone, slow yourself down.

You want to sound just like a potential buyer or renter for the first ten to twenty seconds; the way you add that is by being a little scared, hesitant, and unsure of yourself.

Local library to get copies of all the old newspapers and create my list of aged ads of for-rent and for-sale properties

Be less polished on the phone.

A short sale is when a lender agrees to take less than what’s owed on a loan on a house that is in foreclosure. It’s a way to buy a house that doesn’t have enough equity to make it a good cash purchase, and build a conservative profit in by getting the bank to take less money in exchange for a fast solution.

For every 100 signs you put up, you should be able to get one deal.

Make sure you put it in the right paper and in the best section of that paper

Which paper would they advertise a moving sale in and to use that publication as the first place to test out their I BUY HOUSES ad

3 biggest mistakes most beginning investors make: waiting to start marketing until they know it all, getting ‘bored’ with winning marketing campaign, and not systematically tracking your marketing

The first is to test out a postcard c campaign to out-of-town owners. These are people who own property in a specific zip code, but the mailing address on file for the property tax statements goes to a zip code that is at least an hour away.

Postcard campaign to landlords in a specific area

How much does toll free cost?

Specific extensions all the outgoing messages pre-scripted

Go out and buy two I BUY HOUSES magnetic car signs for your car and put them on

Two things to find deals inn the beginning: invest the time, or invest your money

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