Thursday, November 24, 2011

Who Moved My Cheese

Who Moved My Cheese
Spencer Johnson, M.D.

What I learned from this book is that not only should you open to change, but also you should be looking for it. Once you spot it, you should move forward going after it and try and stay ahead of it. My brother sent me a link to a video describing social media, Facebook, and LinkedIn. It was wild to see the stats flashing across the screen. Basically the point of that video to me was that things are happening in big ways in social media and if you aren’t using it to your advantage via those sites or a blog then you are and will continue to fall behind. If you don’t believe me keep reading.

The average American I just read spends 6.83 hours on Facebook each month. That is over 81 hours a year. That is over 81 hours a year people. 81 hours is two full workweeks! Spent on one social networking website. I’m going to bet that a good majority of those same people also spend equivalent time on Twitter and You Tube and paying their bills online and Pinterest and, and, and. That said we’re talking about a full month (conservatively) spent on social networking sites and if you aren’t there then you’re not anywhere and future employers and schools aren’t in your future either.

Who’s to say that colleges and universities don’t make it a requirement as part of their admissions process that you have a certain number of ‘friends’ or blog posts? Why would they do that? Why would you want to be around someone or let someone into your college club who is socially awkward and doesn’t know how to interact with people and would be more a hindrance then help to your mission?

Think about change and embrace it.

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