I was chatting with my new boss the other day about Halloween plans and among other things he mentioned some interesting things. One was that kids happen to you, you don't happen to your kids. He talked about how while they grow up with you, once they're old enough they leave and its just back to you and the wifey. He also likened them and enjoying them to renting a nice Maserati for a day. For the time that you have that thing you of course are gonna go all around town (vacations, little league games, church, halloween costumes, etc) and you're gonna flaunt it, take videos of you in it, and pictures with you in it. At the end of the day though you have to return said Maserati to the store and the fun is over and you're left with the memories. Same for the kids. You have them for a few years on borrowed time and then when its time you have to let them go and that's that. Full time of course. Its not lost on me that family get togethers, reunions, and grand kids aren't also part of the transition.
I thought it was an excellent analogy and made a good impact. Especially since it was brought up that while I'm dressed up as the man in the yellow hat today and london is curious george, London won't appreciate it. My boss though said it doesn't matter. Its about Me and the Wifey and a little bit about London. Same goes for Disneyland/world. He said for the most part they're not gonna remember it, even at 5-10 years old, but you will and you'll remember how fun it was for them and THAT is why you go. Fun paradigm shift the conversation I had and thought I'd share it with the world as they contemplate the hassle and work that is prepping for Halloween today and tomorrow.